Friday, March 19, 2010

Farmville - a new social experiment

Perfect strangers are glad to add you as a facebook friend as long as you are playing Farmville. My husband has added like 800 people he does not know and I have added like 500 people I don't know.
I and many others have noticed a very interesting phenomenon.Farmville seems to bring out the best in everyone.Farmville players come from every walk of life, rich,middle class, and poor, Democrat and Republican, Conservative and Liberal,Christians,Jews,Muslims,Atheists,Buddhists,Hindus,Agnostics, and even New Age believers. They are Caucasian,African American,Hispanic,Native American,Arab,Asian,Indian,Pakistanis,Israelis,Americans,Mexicans, Russians,Canadians,Africans,Australians,Chinese,Japanese,etc.
My husband and I have friends in every category listed above, and yet not ONE harsh word is ever spoken. No threats,no anger,no insults,no hatred, everyone gets along !
It is not even an issue ! We are all virtual farmers, all playing a game where we have to cooperate in order to advance to the next level, build buildings,get free gifts, etc. It is the one place where we can actually all seem to get along !
If only the real world could be like this.


easy money at home